The Fertile Angst - 5 Element Treatment Strategies for Calming Fertility Tensions

Jani White
Lecture Type: 
Breakout Session
Lecture Day: 
Day 2
Cominco Policy Room 1415

Talk Outline or Description

The Angst! Ohhh the Angst!

Every fertility practitioner knows something of the tensions that accompany the journey to conceive, and every practitioner knows the detrimental effect that the stress hormones have on our ability to generate and receive the healthy seed into a welcoming environment where it can implant and germinate, to develop, grow and flourish.

This lecture focuses on the way that acupuncture can be used to help calm, clear and connect, on all our levels, to enhance the receptivity that is vital to a healthy conception. So often a key impediment to conception is the stress inducing belief systems that play havoc with our mind and heart. We will focus on how acupuncture can be used at this most fundamental level.

Chinese medicine holds at it's very core the understanding that our psychology is an integral a part of our physiology, and the recognition of the acu points application at the mental and emotional levels is a cemented aspect of the use of acupuncture. We will discuss points in depth, offering up a new way to perceive how considered combination can greatly improve the efficacy of treatment.

We will discuss, via case history, the way that acupuncture treatment strategy can be enhanced through a better understanding of the psycho-emotional power inherit in each point.

The etiology of the points tells us exactly what they are for, and understanding the locations of the points, their rhyme and reason in relation to each other, gives us a vital insight into how we can increase the capacity of our pattern and syndrome applications to bring a calming resonance that opens gateways, doorways, climbs hills, dips into valleys and brings us up and through the journey into a brighter place where anything is possible.

The Sheng and Ke cycle relationships are the underpinning structure that informs the channel systems. Learning to recognise these inter-relationships can bring the practitioner good insights to finding the points that can unlock the tensions.

Pregnancy is a receptive process, and this lecture is designed to arm the practitioner with an increased awareness of the way that treatment strategy can calm people into a more receptive state to welcome the potential of a pregnancy.

"The Heart Opens the Womb"

Integrative Fertility Symposium

Healthy Seminars 6th Integrative Fertility Symposium will be held exclusively online. The IFSymposium is geared towards Chinese medicine and naturopathic physicians who have an interest in treating reproductive health issues using an integrative approach. IFS 2021 date TBA

Symposium Location

Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre
515 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC
