This panel will discuss whether to use Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) in conjunction Acupuncture in your patients utilizing IUI or IVF. When is the best time to start this therapy, in preconception care before starting the IUI or IVF, or also while your patients are doing the IUI/IVF Cycle? Are there TCM Patterns of Disharmony that you find CHM more effective in helping patients undergoing IUI/IVF? If so, which are they and why? If you are prescribing CHM to your patients doing IUI/IVF, do you communicate this to their REI? And if the REI has questions/concerns about herb/drug interactions, how do you explain this to them? Or if you don’t use CHM in your patients undergoing IUI/IVF, why not?

Co-chair of the Integrative Fertility Symposium
Ray Rubio, D.A.O.M., L. Ac., (FABORM), is President Emeritus and Executive Director of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM), and was the founding Chair of the Reproductive Medicine Department at the Yo San University Doctoral Program in Los Angeles.
Dr. Rubio has been in practice for more almost 20 years, and his practice focuses exclusively on the treatment of Male and Female Reproductive Disorders/Infertility.
Dr. Rubio is a member in good standing of ASRM & PCRS, and he lectures frequently to Acupuncturists on the topic of Infertility and TCM. Dr. Rubio is also the former President of the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Special Interest Group for the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).
Dr. Rubio has also presented to the REI Fellows Program UCLA/Cedars Sinai Medical School program, and he has lectured on the subject of Male and Female Infertility for the Lotus Institute, and for the AAAOM Expo, the Southwest Symposium, and the New England School of Acupuncture (NESA) He also mentors other Acupuncturists who wish to study Reproductive Medicine.

Lee Hullender Rubin, DAOM, LAc, FABORM, is a clinician, international academic, and published researcher specializing in reproductive medicine, women's health, and female sexual pain. She graduated with her Master of Science degree from Bastyr University and her Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM). In practice since early 2002, she spent more than 5 years managing an acupuncture program at a western fertility clinic in the Pacific Northwest. Dr. Hullender Rubin was the first OCOM postdoctoral research fellow funded by a National Institutes of Health educational grant. Her most recent publication is the first study to report an increase in birth outcomes associated with the addition of Traditional Chinese Medicine to In Vitro Fertilization. She was recently awarded a National Vulvodynia Association grant to investigate the feasibility of acupuncture and lidocaine to treat chronic vulvar pain. She is on the faculty at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is Visiting Research Faculty at the Oregon Health and Science University. Dr. Hullender Rubin currently resides in Portland, Oregon, and practices at the Portland Acupuncture Studio ( and Oregon Reproductive Medicine.
Lee offers the following online reproductive medicine courses through Pro D Seminars approved for CEU/PDA/CPD:
- Assisted Reproductive Technology Overview for the Chinese Medicine Professional (3 hours CEU/PDA)
- Improve IVF or Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation Outcomes with Adjuvant Whole Systems TCM (4 hours CEU/PDA)
- Improve Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) or Fresh Donor Cycles Outcomes with Adjuvant Whole Systems TCM – (4 hours CEU/PDA)
- Improve Medicated and Natural IUI Cycles Outcomes With Adjuvant Whole Systems TCM (3 hours CEU/PDA)
- Learn How Acupuncture Improves IVF Success and How To Effectively Communicate the Research to Patients and Doctors (5 CEU/PDA/CPD)