Ovarian Hyper-Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS) is a complication of fertility treatments, mainly IVF when pharmacological medications are used to hyper-stimulate the ovaries to retrieve desirable amount of eggs for either freezing or fertilization process. In a minority of women undergoing treatment, the ovarian response exceeds that aimed for and results in a clinical condition with a specific pathophysiology. OHSS is associated with significant physical and psychosocial morbidity and has been associated with maternal death. Even though in most cases OHSS is self-limiting, the symptoms are frequently excruciating and dramatically decrease patient's life quality. Women with more severe OHSS may require inpatient treatment to manage the symptoms and reduce the risk of further complications. The key principles of OHSS management for OM practitioners therefore are early recognition and the prompt assessment and treatment of women with moderate or severe OHSS in collaboration with Reproductive Endocrinologist. While OM practitioners may not be able not reduce symptoms quickly in the severe patients, most patients can receive strong benefits in reduction of symptoms and sufferings with the utilization of acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutritional guidance.
Learning Objectives
Participants will learn and understand:
1. Incident Rate of OHSS
2. Pathophysiology of OHSS
3. Current WM Management of OHSS
4. OM (Acupuncture, Herbs, Nutrition) Management of OHSS
5. Prevention of OHSS