The Joy of Practice

Sharon Weizenbaum, Dipl. Ac., Dipl C.H
Lecture Type: 
Breakout Session
Lecture Day: 
Day 3
Labatt Hall

What are the primary obstacles to enjoying the practice of Chinese medicine to the point that you wake up excited to start your workday?  As a 20-year veteran of teaching Chinese medicine, Sharon Weizenbaum has worked with hundreds of blossoming practitioners.  Through working with student-practitioners, Sharon found that most practitioners experience a large degree of suffering with their practices, some times to the point that they want to give it up.  This suffering involves thoughts such as: I am in over my head, I don’t know what I’m doing, I feel like a fraud, I might harm someone with these herbs, I don’t deserve to be charging them money, I should be studying harder… among many others.  These thoughts give rise to intense feelings of being overwhelmed, guilty, ashamed, isolated, anxious, panicked and, consequently, disconnected from having a warm connection with patients.  These feelings make it difficult to stay connected, to study, to be engaged and most of all, to by happy!  Sharon has found that these experiences are pandemic, not only in our profession but in medical professions in general. 

However, there is actually a way out.  As part of the White Pine Institute Graduate Mentorship Program, Sharon has been helping students understand and experience the way out of the terrible binds we all find ourselves in.  Students have felt reconnected to their original impulse toward this beautiful medicine and their own generous hearts. This short workshop is her first foray into offering her experience in this area. 

Learning Objectives

  1. Students will learn to recognize undermining voices
  2. Students will experience the difference between identifying with these voices and differentiating from them.
  3. Students will learn to identify and connect to their true nature
Sharon Weizenbaum, Dipl. Ac., Dipl C.H

Sharon Weizenbaum graduated from the New England School of Acupuncture in 1983 and has been practicing Chinese medicine for over 30 years. Her first gynecology teacher was Dr. Zhu Shu-rong from Shang Hai. In 1990 she traveled to Hang Zhou where she studied herbal gynecology with Dr. Qiu Xiao-mei as well as Chinese language. She continued her language study at Mt. Holyoke College and translates much of her own teaching materials. In 2007 she traveled back to China to study classic formulas with Dr. Huang Huang, who continues to be one of her teachers. She studied and apprenticed with Kiiko Matsumoto for 12 years and developed Integrative Mandala Acupuncture as a synthesis of her study with both Chinese and Japanese acupuncture teachers. Sharon is the director of White Pine Healing Arts clinic and educational facility. She teaches the Graduate Mentorship Program and Integrative Mandala Acupuncture nationally as well as shorter courses. Her articles have been published in The Lantern and in the North Amercan Journal of Oriental Medicine. She is known for her engaging, clinically relevant and clear teaching style.

Integrative Fertility Symposium

Healthy Seminars 6th Integrative Fertility Symposium will be held exclusively online. The IFSymposium is geared towards Chinese medicine and naturopathic physicians who have an interest in treating reproductive health issues using an integrative approach. IFS 2021 date TBA

Symposium Location

Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre
515 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC
