The importance of following a fixed consensus protocol in future research deals with great heterogeneity. Over the last 20 years the use of acupuncture in female infertility as an adjuvant to conventional treatment in assisted reproductive technology (ART) has greatly increased. Many clinical trials and systematic reviews have emerged assessing the benefits of acupuncture in various aspects of IVF, however, all these trials differ significantly in their study design, acupuncture timing, protocol and final outcome measures. Due to this extreme heterogeneity, it is not clear whether acupuncture is beneficial and should be offered to women undergoing IVF. To address this heterogeneity, 15 international acupuncturists with extensive experience in treating women with acupuncture during IVF were asked to participate in delphi questioners and reached a consensus protocol to be used in future research. To our knowledge, this trial is the first one to follow this consensus protocol.
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the delphi consensus protocol, the specific acupuncture points and the specific timings of the acupuncture sessions.
- Understand the role of acupuncture in the different stages of the IVF.
- Know the extra precautions we should take when we use stimulating acupuncture during the ovarian stimulating stage as to prevent conditions such as OHSS.
- Learn the reason when to not to have a placebo arm in the trail.
- Understand the positive results from using this protocol.
- Understand the effect of acupuncture on poor follicle development (in quantity and size).