Presymposium - Venerating the Root: An Introduction to Classical Chinese Pediatrics and its Contemporary Clinical Application

Assaf Mor Dipl CM, Sabine Wilms PhD
Lecture Type: 
Lecture Day: 
Terasen Theatre


In this six-hour workshop, the medical historian and translator Sabine Wilms, PhD, will team up with experienced Chinese medicine pediatrician Assaf Mor to introduce pediatrics in Chinese medicine.

Conditions covered include:

  • Cold Damage, Respiratory Problems, and the Immune System.
  • Digestive Problems, Seizures, and Ghosts.
  • Treating the child through the parents, especially the mother: Chinese precedents and modern implications.

Sabine Wilms will survey classical pediatrics through the lense of Sun Simiao’s writings on pediatrics, as outlined in Volume 5 of the Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang (Essential Formulas Worth a Thousand in Gold to Prepare for Emergencies, 7th century CE). Staying faithful to Sun Simiao’s writings, the information will include discussions of theory, recommendations for preventative care and diagnosis, and presentation of sample formulas and other forms of treatment such as moxibustion. Assaf Mor will compliment this information by covering the modern understanding and principles in contemporary clinical practice, with TCM and Japanese Meridian acupuncture added. This fascinating and fruitful conversation is intended for therapists seeking the Golden Path between the classical texts and treatment with Chinese medicine in the modern world.

The lecture will include information on neonatal development and early infant physiology, most notably the concept of “transformations and steamings”; neonatal care and breastfeeding; problems of the digestive, respiratory, and immune systems; and the treatment of seizures, birth trauma, and conditions explained in the early literature as related to “ghosts” and other malevolent presences. Lastly, we will explore the notion of "treating the parent (mother) to treat the child" and Sun Simiao's perspective on yangsheng in relation to his revolutionary idea of “venerating the root” by treating women and children first. Throughout the day, our discussion will be spiced up with clinical cases studies demonstrating the effectiveness of practical tools like pediatric needling, Moxa, ShoniShin, Herbs, and Pediatric Tuina.


Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the foundations of classical Chinese theory on neonatal and infant physiology and pathology as explained in Sun Simiao’s writings.
  2. Learn the most relevant diagnostic and therapeutic options in the contemporary clinical context.
  3. Survey key treatments in classical pediatrics and their contemporary applications, including indications and contraindications.
  4. Appreciate the importance of careful diagnosis and preventative care in the traditional spirit of “treating disease before it arises” and “venerating the root.”
  5. Contemplate practical applications of the notion of treating the child through the parents.
Sabine Wilms PhD

Sabine has been studying classical Chinese writings on medicine ever since her PhD education in Asian Studies and medical Anthropology. With a strong academic background in early Chinese philosophy, science, cosmology, and language and therefore in a historically and culturally sensitive approach to classical Chinese medicine, she now enjoys studying and teaching Chinese medicine as a living, effective, ever-changing, and much needed response to the issues of our modern times. Some of her favorite topics are gynecology and reproduction, pediatrics, medical ethics, and “nurturing life,” as envisioned by the great medieval “King of Medicinals” Sun Simiao. Sabine is happiest when engaging in a dialogue with practitioners and students of Chinese medicine on how to bring this ancient wisdom to life in our modern times. Besides teaching at the School of Classical Chinese Medicine at the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon, and producing books on Chinese medicine through her publishing company, Happy Goat Productions, she is busy raising a daughter and varying numbers of dogs, chickens, goats, fruits, and vegetables. 

Integrative Fertility Symposium

Healthy Seminars 6th Integrative Fertility Symposium will be held exclusively online. The IFSymposium is geared towards Chinese medicine and naturopathic physicians who have an interest in treating reproductive health issues using an integrative approach. IFS 2021 date TBA

Symposium Location

Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre
515 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC
